Monday, November 10, 2008

Passionate again

"Give me one pure and holy passion.
Give me one magnificent obssesion
GIve me one glorious ambition for my life,
To know and follow hard after you.

To know and follow hard after you,
To walk out in your spirit and your truth.
This world is empty pale and poor, compared to knowing you my lord.
So lead me on, and I will run after you,
Lead me on, and I will run after you."

That's the answer to my passion question. With that in mind, I'm going to start a new blog feature. It's called What if? and will only work with help. Based on comments, other blogs, converstations with others, i'm going to start including what if questions.

What IF? (inspired by Dave)
What if Jesus was trulyt greater than everything else in your life?

"Always remember to forget the things that make you sad and don't forget to remember the things that make you happy." Mugolo Nathan, compassion child


Abigail said...

the chorus line is:
to know and follow hard after you
TO GROW AS YOUR DISCIPLE IN YOUR TRUTH, this world is empty...

BlueLotusJoy said...

fine, I made up my own then. I wrote this in the school media center.