Friday, December 30, 2022

2023 Resolutions

Hi friends - I wrote my 2022 wrap-up post a few days ago, and it got long so I split these into two posts. So for part 2, here's the new goals!

1) Consolidate my TBR list in one place (combine Goodreads & amazon list into one) 

2) Read 6 non-fiction books & at least 36 books total in 2023 (3 per month, non-fiction every other month)

3) Finish 2 prayer or bible study guides (similar to none like him, or praying psalms over your kids)

4) Complete the 5x5x5 Navigators New Testament 52 week reading plan (5 days, 5 minutes, 5 ways to read)

5) Consistently use the Blogilates 2023 Fit Planner (at least 75% by year end, including her daily workouts)

6) Get to a 10 minute mile consistent pace for a 5K (Finish a timed, race 5K in ~30 min) 

7) replace 2 household appliances (examples: dishwasher, dryer, washer, fridge - joint goal with Ryan)

8) Build up supply of water/food in basement storage for family to survive 3 days (joint goal with Ryan)

9) Clean & organize basement storage room, guest room closet, and my closet (joint goal with Ryan)

10) Finish Stephanie's knit blanket by Christmas 2023

Several of my friends set "intentions" for the year rather than resolutions, words that they are intending to live by in the new year, a sort of "vibe check" instead of number-based goals. While I like the idea of this (because it frees people from any associated guilt with un-achieved number goals), I need the measurement of number based goals. However, in reviewing my goals I see three themes for 2023 emerge. They are "consistent", for habits I want to build upon or strengthen with new routines this year, " consolidate" for my book list and closet cleaning goals, and "complete" for those goals that are carry-over from prior years (the 10 min mile) or some projects (like the knit blanket).

Things that didn't make the list, but would still be cool to do (we'll call these extra credit points):

- Finally bake something with yeast (i.e. a dough that has to rise)

- Finish my October 2023 Triathlon in less than 2 hours (setting a PR for sprint tris)

- Reduce my time to swim 100 meters to 2 minutes or less

- Listen to 12 audio books (I'm trying audible this year for the first time)

- Bike the B&A trail or another 10 mile+ trail in the area (

1 comment:

Alec Pulianas said...

Lets do the B&A together this year! And make bread haha