Sunday, August 28, 2011

Some things you only get in College

OK, really short post here, but I absolutely love how today worked out. Even though the power was out, students all over campus got together and hung out - be it frisbee games, card games, or dorm worship services, everywhere on campus was a huge feeling of community. And that would never have happened in my little suburban neighborhood. Which makes me really sad, but also lets me realize the totally awesome opportunities as a 'young person'. =)

Friday, August 12, 2011

All things must end...

Today was my last day at my summer internship. I was working with 11 other interns, and yesterday was the first round of farewells. It's so difficult to say goodbye to them - how do you, how can you say goodbye forever to someone who has been a part of your life all day, everyday, for two months?

I remember the first day that I met them, the day we enjoyed a trip to the Cryptography museum and really got to know one another. I remember our first week, learning a new programming language and working through the exercises set by our team leader. I remember the first day we moved to our permanent office, the day that we first saw what we were to work with. I remember the first day of our certification training, the day we went to Starbucks together to study. I remember the day that three new (cleared!) interns joined our team. I remember the day that I first started working with Joe on Cucumber. I remember the day that Dustin brought Jessica a slim Jim as an apology gift. I remember the many Red Bull cans that Oliver drank.

I learned so much this summer. I learned about the workplace, about teamwork, about automated testing.

All things must end...