Friday, December 10, 2021

Advent of Code Day 11

I've been doing Advent of Code all month, but this is the first time I've solved both parts within an hour of puzzle release, so here's my code for day 11.

 #Day 11

class Octopus:

def __init__(self, value):

self.value = value

self.flashed = False

def setFlash(self):

self.flashed = True

def reset(self):

self.flashed = False

self.value = 0

def getChars(word):

    return [char for char in word]

def printMaps(map):

#print map to check basins

for i in range(len(map)): #i = rowIndex

for j in range (len(map[i])): #j = columnIndex 

thisOct = map[i][j]

if thisOct.flashed:

print("|" + str(thisOct.value) + "|", end='')


print(" " + str(thisOct.value) + " ", end='')


def resetMap(map):

#loop over every point in the map to reset flashed

for i in range(len(map)): #i = rowIndex

for j in range (len(map[i])): #j = columnIndex 

currentOct = map[i][j] 

if(currentOct.flashed == True):


return map

def checkAllFlash(map):

#loop over every point in the map to check for all 9

for i in range(len(map)): #i = rowIndex

for j in range (len(map[i])): #j = columnIndex 

currentOct = map[i][j] 

if currentOct.value != 0:

return False

#if didn't reach a false, all are 0s

return True

def incrementAll(map):

#loop over every point in the map to increase

for i in range(len(map)): #i = rowIndex

for j in range (len(map[i])): #j = columnIndex 

currentOct = map[i][j] 

currentOct.value += 1

def flashNines(map, flashCount):

flash = False

newmap = map

#loop over every point in the map, set nines to flashed, call incrementNeightbors

for i in range(len(map)): #i = rowIndex

for j in range (len(map[i])): #j = columnIndex

currentOct = map[i][j]

if currentOct.value > 9:

if currentOct.flashed == False: #not yet flashed this check

flash = True

flashCount += 1


newmap = incrementNeightbors(newmap, i, j)





return newmap, flash, flashCount

def incrementNeightbors(map, i, j):

if i > 0:

West = map[i-1][j]

West.value += 1

if j > 0:

North = map[i][j-1]

North.value += 1

if i > 0 and j > 0:

NorthWest = map[i-1][j-1]

NorthWest.value += 1

if i < len(map)-1:

East = map[i+1][j]

East.value += 1

if j < len(map[i])-1:

South = map[i][j+1]

South.value += 1

if i < len(map)-1 and j < len(map[i])-1:

SouthEast = map[i+1][j+1]

SouthEast.value += 1

if i > 0 and j < len(map[i])-1:

NorthEast = map[i-1][j+1]

NorthEast.value += 1

if i < len(map)-1 and j > 0:

SouthWest = map[i+1][j-1]

SouthWest.value += 1

return map

def main():

f = open('input.txt')

lines = f.readlines()

#create map

map = []

for line in lines:

row = []

valueList = getChars(line.strip())

for energyValue in range(len(valueList)):

newOct = Octopus(int(valueList[energyValue]))





flashCount = 0

steps = 0

#steps = 100 #part 1

#for i in range(steps): #part 1

allEmpty = False #part 2

while(not allEmpty): #part 2


map, flash, flashCount = flashNines(map, flashCount)


map, flash, flashCount = flashNines(map, flashCount)

map = resetMap(map)

steps += 1 #part 2


allEmpty = checkAllFlash(map) #part 2

#print(flashCount) #part 1 answer

print(steps) #part 2 answer


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