Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Going Off-line, Week 1

One of my New Year's Resolutions in 2011 is to go one week of every month "off-line".
By this I mean no Facebook, no Hulu, no Netflix, no online games, no online blog reading, no online comics. (note that this excludes email, based on the fact that it is not possible in this day and age to go completely without internet and still complete tasks like work and school).

This is sort of a social experiment and sort of a personal growth.
It's a social experiment to see if someone CAN actually accomplish this. To prove that the idea of books ever becoming outdated is ridiculous. To see who stays in contact with me without the aid of Facebook.
It's personal growth because I did my forty day fast in the days leading up to Christmas (if you follow my blog, you'll remember), and it was really helpful for me. I know there are things that I should be doing that I do not do because I'm spending time on the internet. So it's a chance for me to do those things.

I'll update you in a week how it went - in addition to the above, it's a guarantee that I'll get on my blog at least once a month, and have something semi-consistent to blog about. My blogging goal has generally been to write once a week on average, and this will help. (although, that often ends up being two posts at the end of the month to get my monthly count up to 4 so that the average comes out right!)

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