Monday, December 28, 2020

2020 Resolutions Wrap-Up

I think it's safe to say that 2020 was not what any of us thought it would be, but I did still manage to make some progress towards my resolutions. Here's this year's update, as requested by my "fans" ;)

1) Get a will - Done, 1 pt
Ryan and I did this right after we found out we were expecting a baby - we had already planned to do it and with a business and a baby we really needed to get everything laid out.

2) Remodel our Master Bathroom - Done, 1 pt
Oh boy, this one was an adventure. We interviewed contractors and had literally just signed with one guy the week before the state shutdown...We waited 3 months before he was allowed to re-open his business and come to our house to do the work. And even then, so many things were delayed in arriving. But both our upstairs bathrooms have been redone now, and we have a great relationship with our contractor for future jobs.

3) See a comedy show live - COVID cancelled, 0 pts
I had planned to see the Iliza Shleschinger show at the Casino in Arundel idea when I'll get to do this in the future, sadly, but I've listened to Iliza's podcast all year instead.

4) Sew my own clothing - Do masks count? 0.5 pts
I fully intended to do this but then in march was making masks like the rest of the world, and then I was pregnant and my measurements were all out of whack for making the skirt I have planned. I did do more sewing this year (masks, curtains, pillowcases) so I'm giving myself this half point for meeting the intent of the resolution (better understand my sewing machine/gain sewing confidence) if not the actual letter of the resolution. Also, masks are clothing items now. :)

5) Add backing to my two quilt tops - Did one of the two quilts! 0.5 pts
I did finish a lovely baby quilt for my cousin's new baby, and then ran out of quilt filling for the larger one, which is quite expensive. I have made some quilted pot holders and learned a lot on this crib quilt - this is a hobby I hope to be able to hold on to after baby is born :)

6) Complete an Olympic distance triathlon - COVID cancelled, but I did a duathlon of the same distance, 0.5 pts
I was all registered and training for a race in May that obviously did not happen! I did push myself to do duathlons this spring (run-bike-run instead of swim-bike-run) but the loss of the YMCA and loss of my weekly swim trainings is something I really missed this year.

7) Make a grilled cheese from scratch - Nope. 0 pts
I made pita bread and flatbread but yeast was VERY hard to find (thanks, pandemic shortages!).

8) Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge with Stephanie - Done! books below, 1 pt
I read a total of 50 books in 2020, according to my Libby and Goodreads shelves, with a focus on trying to read books by women - so the "challenge books" are listed below:
  1. A book published the decade you were born - Wild Swans, by Jung Chang

  2. A debut novel - Everything I Never Told You, by Celeste Ng

  3. A book recommended by a source you trust - Homegoing, by Yaa Gyaasi

  4. A book by a local author - A spool of blue thread, by Anne Tyler

  5. A book outside your (genre) comfort zone - The House of the Spirits, by Isabel Allende

  6. A book in translation - The Littlest BookShop in Paris, by Noel George

  7. A book nominated for an award in 2020 - The Glass Hotel, by Emily St. Mandel (2020 National Book Award Finalist)

  8. A re-read - The Epic Adventures of Lydia Bennet, by Kate Rorick

  9. A classic you didn’t read in school- I know why the caged bird sings, by Maya Angelou

  10. Three books by the same author -  Christmas Shopaholic, Surprise Me, Undomestic Goddess, by Sophie Kinsella

9) My Utmost for His Highest daily devos (also with Stephanie) - Did well into March...but failed. 0 pts
OK, I find Oswald Chambers to be...not that inspiring. I tried but I think I need something more self-driven. I also tried an advent devotional this year, but just reading a little message doesn't do much for me. Next year I'm trying a weekly instead of daily and a journal instead of just readings...we'll see how it goes.

10) Finish "While True: learn" game, TIS-100 game, and Human Resource Machine Game - Done! 1 pt

I wrote a little article for a journal at work reviewing video games that introduce you to coding concepts that covered these games. While True: learn is my least favorite - it's fun to play but doesn't teach the concepts well. Human Resource Machine is my favorite, and most recommended for learning computer concepts. TIS-100 is too much like actual programming work (I needed Ryan's help to finish it).

Score: 5.5/10 (2 were made hard by COVID-19 restrictions, so we could say out of 8)

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