Thursday, December 31, 2020

2021 New Years Resolutions

 Here are my resolutions for 2021!

1) Weekly Prayer Journal 

I was much better about journaling in high school and college but have fallen out of the habit. I found this past year that prompts help me (I've been doing a maternity journal) and so I ordered this one from Amazon to try out:

2) Baltimore Half Marathon

Since the pandemic isn't going anywhere, I think pools will keep being hard to access, so I'm pivoting from the triathlons for a year to try and gain endurance in my running. 2021 is the 20 year anniversary of the Baltimore Running Festival (would have been 2020 but it was cancelled) and so that's my target (it's in September, we'll see if it happens in person or not).

3) "Completing" a Cookbook

Julie & Julia style, I want to "finish" one of the many cookbooks in my collection by trying every recipe in the book. I have not decided which book to do yet - that is going to be based on reviewing the recipes and gives me flexibility to switch to an "easier" cookbook part way through the year if needed, but I've gotten many cookbooks as gifts and want to branch out from my basic staples. The goal is less pasta, more adventure.

4) The 2021 Reading Women Challenge

I have alternated between the Modern Mrs. Darcy challenge and the Reading Women challenge the past couple of years, but I love the goals that stretch what I read and get me out of my genre comfort zones!

5) Try out online "scrapbooking"

I usually aim for 10 resolutions but have slimmed down to 5 this year because having a baby is going to be a big change for us. I want to experiment with documentation techniques (a co-worker recommended the Qeepsake app) for this change. We intend to keep our kiddo off of social media, so I want to try recording the same memories I might reach for my phone to share online, but in a more tangible, long-lasting format.

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