Monday, July 28, 2008

An Awesome and Amazing God

Snapshot: His hands at work

This past Saturday I had the pleasure of attending the Do Hard Things Conference at Covenant Life Church. If I could, I’d write down everything Alex and Brett said for you to read and love, but I can’t. So what I will do is tell you to read their book, Do Hard Things (I promise they’re not paying me for this pitch). It is a wonderful motivator for teens in today’s society. (I like that word better than culture). I will also tell you the key moments for me personally. There are 3.

A) Brett’s session on the seven steps to doing hard things, particularly the trap of complacency
Personally, I think of myself as a pretty smart kid. Sure, there are some kids smarter than me, but I’m nearer the top in my estimation. Being the president of the debate club and taking 4 AP classes next year sounds good to most people. But there are certain things I don’t do that I should. Saturday was a real eye opener for me as I listened to a warning against feeling to good about yourself and where you are in life. So I have resolved to do better, harder things, and do better jobs at them. That was moment number one.

B) My sister Jessica
This is not really a moment but an ongoing thing. Throughout the conference I enjoyed, my little sister was there with me the whole time, and I am very excited that she and I can work on doing hard things together. I was washed over with a feeling of sisterly love and remembered her salvation, which I had privy to be a part of. That was moment/feeling number two.

C) My friend Hannah’s and my friend Kevin’s salvation
At the conference they had what I call a ‘revival moment’. Greg Harris, the twin’s dad, gave an incredibly compelling lecture on wolves in sheep’s clothing. (I’m really looking forward to listening to his sermon). After that we had a few questions, which revealed my own short comings, but I never expected any of the youth from my church to rise on the last question of who had just become a new Christian. When I saw my friend Hannah make her way to the front I was just awed. God is so powerful and good and I am so happy that I have a new little sister in Christ, especially since she switches to a public high school this coming year after a life of home schooling. We’ve been praying for her for a while and it was just so cool to see God do that. Like even more than cool, it was amazing in the fullest sense of the word. But, after that, on the way home from the conference in the car, my friend Emma told me that her brother Kevin had been reborn at that moment as well. Kevin is one of the sweetest guys you will ever meet and I was so happy for him! So now he’s going to start the ball rolling to become a member of our church. And think, around a hundred fifty people were saved at this conference! Think of all the other stories like this that there must be, the other friends that are also rejoicing! HALLELUIA and AMEN! What else can one say when God works this way. That was moment number three.

Do Hard Things (again) Real Christianity(by William Wilberforce) Mere Christianity(by C.S. Lewis)The second and third books are some that I am challenging myself to read based on a challenge (to read great books) from the twins.

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